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Student must be has left liberations in order to express his ideas

Student must be has left liberations in order to express his ideas
All moment a lot in advance to be human begins to express that regading his needs and pains. His movment of the body says others that he has certainly problem in the respiration. Then he cries for thirst and hunger. His healthy sleep expresses that now he is fine. After to have last little hours, if there is every thing is in the normal state, kidskin that expression becomes clear. After the passage to the 40 days his expression would have to become clearer. He has the various ways to express but after the 90 days his parents and care takers understand that his from his habits and procedure and the kidskin to moreover understand them. No misunderstanding remains between them. The mother knows that why her kidskin is crying. His every sign and sound are like a older talk to his parents and care taker.
The relative one to be human of means is not like feelingless things. He wants that people would have to know and identitifing him. After time that passes his expression becomes clear and clear more and worthful for others. It can also heppened that his expression obtains many meanings. At the age of the 1380 days his power of expression has it to compleation. He can say every thing. He can understand what others say or what is going arround him. He llikes in order to make every thing by himself. When ago something solo thinks the hapiness. He breaks the things, why? Since he wants to deeply know them by their parts. Door its ice-skates of the parents because he wants to express that now he is not a child and is older like other old ones.
The doubt during this period his parents and care takers thus do not say him to cure and helps the different arguments as to inform him about life and relative ups and downs but the two laborers they that is help moreover him one is nature and other is 1,64,31,242 skaktis/powers which are hiden in his own body. With these powers/shaktis he becomes enough in order to understand the transactions and life event inside and outside parteggiare its domestic hatch. At this stage he can identitify that what is good and what is not good, what is of right and what is not of right. He knows if the fire interferes will burn that him. If the snake interferes will bite that him and he lose his life. Its means that little one knows the fears and the dangers. He obtains the job from its organs of the body. He comes to know that what is dead body and what is life. He loves the life and he never wants to die.
It is some like the style of miximum of life opened before him but two things it is still base remain to know and to understand; reading and writing. Sure he wants to know and to understand written annotation of life. Moreover he wants to maintain annotation of his experiences. He wants to the coments on written annotation precedence. In order to obtain these both the abilities have need instruction of 4280 days. If his teachers put the sincere and kind efforts he/she must undoubtedly have perfection in the abilities at the previously writings. He not only comes to know to use of the words that must also have knowledge here using the time and the situation. He comes to know that meamings will be declared if says get out in the anger and what is meant of this residual one poltly in saying.
These 4280 days are very importent and sensative of his life. In this period if or given the probabilities to make the things and teacher has only made his job like a kind and sincere assistant, nothing will be left or not uncovered his likeness and dilikness of attitude preferences. Here teacher must be a kind and sincere assisten but not a stick holding sheep-man.
Those students who will not have their objective choice always must compeled for the capture bar from their parents or teachers. If a student has interest in the language he must not compel for reading any other subject i.e. economics or math. He wants to eat the eggplant because the someome has of right to impose him in order to take the meat of the hen while both are disposed on the table? It is not a stupid action?
It is to align that the parents want that their boy must be adopts that field which will be useful and favorable for the gain in days of their boy. They want to have better return of their investment regarding instruction of their boy. This thinks is a crual and artificial thought for their beloved and loving boy or girl.
The 4280 days are enough for knowing that like writing or reading. Student must be has left liberations in order to express his ideas about persons places and things. It is duty of a teacher in order to instruct his student in atmosphare friendly in fashion from being able to have his own opions and point of view about the different writings and different things. These writings must be to possess the choice of the student. The worthy teacher only can guaide the writings in the field detail. He Can also help/assist that as the study can be carried out. Own point of view can inform his student but he would not have to stamp his opion. His opion is not the last opion. Student can observe the writings and things from his own six sences.
The wrong real thing or dangerious of his of twisted point of view perhaps has his own thought. In this case a hatch of new search oppened because other can enter through this hatch. After the 4280 days that instruct what already he need of the cources priscribed. If the cources already decisive they are taught to in the places of formation to the students from the fixed sense instruction of the students who think that shaktis/powers sure are died or disturbed or a lot the doubt will have appeared in the mind of the students.
It is a real duty of a worthy teacher in order to develop power of thought in his student to the writings and reading. High education to supply made others the crouces principiante student is not less then a fatel diease. Nearly the topics are given from the facaltis. If luckly own choice topic of a student is approved of, supervisor does not give to a paper white woman. Researher must worked under supervising in order to recommend or according to supervising like or the dislikeness. Student cannot point out even a single line in the decertion from himself. I think it is unjust with the student. I have seen hundreds the decertions of the gradation. Many of them badly disapointed me, because:
1. Nothing is new in them except the information gone of days. Researher collects the dozens books and gets informations form them and maintain them in the decertion according to the council or guaidance of supervising authorty.
2. Many decertions are hardly explantions of the different references.
To the graduation leval student must have ability in order to express his thinkings, point of the view enough or has the clear ideas about the writings, things or all the subjects of the life that would have linked to his
I duely respect the degree that check the university on the base of experience of life/ work/job/service/search. No doubt they are making a great job but a serious and fetal defect is giving fire with them. Resume/CV is not enough for the division of the (MA/MBA/MSC, or PhD) degree. They must demond in order a decertion of at least 10000 words from their students*. Here the eveloator worthy must try in order to find that the new things/experiences of writings of their students and that would not have to exist already previously in the recod of the research work. Which student does not make has enrolled ability for his experience he does not have to receive any degree.
*about their life, work, job, service or search experierience

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