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To view all the videos on the Laplace Transform, type in the search box the words "Laplace Transform".


Derived from the work of a British engineer Oliver Heaviside, the Laplace Transform remains a powerful tool and foundation in analyzing linear systems, especially involving feedback systems.

Finding the system response using the classical differential equations is difficult. On the other hand, the Laplace Transform technique makes it a snap to find the solution but you gain further understanding of system behavior.

Video Summary

Part 1. The video describes the definition of Laplace transform and its importance to analyzing system behavior. The operations performed in the Laplace domain involves algebraic manipulations and does not involve integrals and derivatives.

Two examples are given. One is to find the Laplace Transform for a step input and the second example is finding the Laplace Transform of the exponential function defined over positive time.

Part 2. The video shows how the Laplace Transform for an impulse function is a constant. So what is very thin in one domain is very wide in the other domain. An example of reciprocal spreading.

Part 3. This series of videos discuss the properties of the Laplace Transforms: linearity, integration, differentiation, and translation. Examples are given to show how these properties are used to simplify the analysis.

Part 4 Laplace Transform Properties of linearity, integration and differentiation are discussed.

Part 5. Laplace Transform Properties of translation in the time and frequency (LaPlace) domain are discussed.

Summary - Part 1 A summary will be given in terms of the Laplace Transform Table.

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